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I-Hirchmann Bat867-Reuw9au999at199l99h ye-Wireless Fireless

Inkcazo emfutshane:

I-Hirchmann Bat867-Reuw9au999at199l99h yi-bat867-r choulator - iindawo zokufikelela ngaphandle kwentambo.

Uyilo lwayo olugcweleyo, ubungakanani be-compact kwaye ukhethe inqaku leseti yokunceda ukwandisa ukusebenza kunye nokusebenza. I-Bat867-R ilungele useto lwemizi-mveliso apho indawo kwaye uhlahlo-lwabiwo mali lilinganiselwe, njengokuzenzekelayo kwe-ingenelele kunye noSeto loLwakhiwo.

Iinkcukacha zemveliso

Iimpawu zeMveliso

Umda worhwebo


Imveliso: I-Bat867-Reuw9au999at

Umthamo: Bat867-R Showtor


Ingcaciso yeMveliso

Inkcazo I-Slim Scidy Din-Rail Wlan isixhobo esinenkxaso yebhendi emibini yokufakwa kwiindawo zemveliso.
Uhlobo lwezibuko kunye nenani I-Ethernet: 1x rj45
IProtokholi yerediyo IEEEE 802.11a / B / G / N / N / N / NE-AC
Isatifikethi seLizwe IYurophu, i-Iceland, i-Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, iTurkey



I-Ethernet I-10/100 / i-1000mbit / s
Ukunikezwa Amandla I-1x plug-in theminal ye-terminal, i-2-pin
Ukutshintshwa kwengingqi kunye nesixhobo I-Hidiscovery


Iimfuno zamandla

I-Voltage eSebenzayo I-24 VDC (18-32 VDC)
Ukutya umbane Iphezulu yokusetyenziswa kwamandla: 9 W


Kwiimeko ezithambileyo

I-MTBF (TelecordIa SR-332 Ikhuphe 3) @ 25 ° C Iminyaka engama-287
Iqondo lokusebenza -10- + 60 ° C
Phawula Iqondo lokushisa lomoya ojikelezileyo.
Ukugcina / ubushushu bothutho -40- + + 70 ° C


Ulwakhiwo lomatshini

Ubungakanani (i-WXHXD) I-50 mm x 148 mm x 123 mm
Ubunzima I-520G (i-0.92 oz)
Izindlu Intsimbi
Ukunyuka Uloliwe kaDen Hala
Udidi lokhuseleko Ip40



Isiseko senqanaba I-CE, iRed, IKCA
Ukhuseleko lwezixhobo zetekhnoloji yolwazi IEC 62368-1: 2014, Enc62368-1: 2014 / A10: 2017, En62311: 2008 ngokungqinelana neengcebiso ze-EC 1999/519 / ze-EC
Ukuthutha En 50121-4
Irediyo En 300 328 (2.4gz), en 301 893 (5gz)



Qinisekisa Iinyanga ezingama-60 (Nceda ujonge kwimibandela yesiqinisekiso solwazi oluneenkcukacha)


Indawo yokufikelela ye-WLAN

Ukusebenza kwenqanaba lokungena Ewe (ukukhetha ngokukhululekileyo phakathi kwendawo yokufikelela, umthengi wofikelelo kunye nokusebenza kwendawo yokufumana indawo kwisoftware). Isebenza njengendawo yokufikelela elawulwayo yokudibanisa kunye nomlawuli (WLC).


I-WLAN eqhelekileyo ifumana imvakalelo

802.11n, 2.4 GHZ, i-20 MHZ, MS0 -93 DBM
802.11n, 2.4 GHz, 20 MHZ, MS7 -76 I-DBM
802.11n, 5 GHZ, 20 MHZ, MCS0 -93 DBM
802.11n, 5 GHZ, 20 MHZ, MCS7 -73 DBM


Ubungakanani bokuhanjiswa kunye nezixhobo

Izixhobo I-eriyante yangaphandle; Iintambo ze-2m, 5m, 15m;
Umda wokuHanjiswa Isixhobo, imiyalelo yoKhuseleko, i-2-pin i-2-the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the terminal ye-2 yendawo yokuhambisa amandla, ukubhengezwa kwe-EU.

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